The color system¶
How to write color¶
#AARRGGBB(#RRGGBB) notation, or 2014 Material Design color palettes It can be handled with notations such as red[500] and redAccent[100]. Some may be null, such as textColor, in which case the system color will be set.
(block, bgColor:#FF9800)
(block, bgColor:orange)
(block, bgColor:orange[500])
Non accent colors¶
red, pink, purple, deepPurple, indigo, blue, lightBlue, cyan, teal, green, lightGreen, lime, yellow, amber, orange, deepOrange, brown, grey, blueGrey
Possible value(non accent colors)¶
50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900
orange[500] = orange.
Accent colors¶
redAccent, pinkAccent, purpleAccent, deepPurpleAccent, indigoAccent, blueAccent, lightBlueAccent, cyanAccent, tealAccent, greenAccent, lightGreenAccent, limeAccent, yellowAccent, amberAccent, orangeAccent, deepOrangeAccent
Possible value(accent colors)¶
100, 200, 400, 700
orangeAccent[200] = orangeAccent
white, white10, white12, white24, white30, white38, white54, white60, white70
black, black12, black26, black38, black45, black54, black87